Well that went well

I just tried to join Twitter and got auto-banned for no real fucking reason.

I refused to give them a phone number and I lost my cell ages ago.

So I guess farewell to ten minute Twitter account.

And screw you, too, you evil site.

Time to expunge Twitter from my news feed. I will erase it altogether.

Daphne Du Maurier’s Rebecca: Rebecca, not Maxim, was the victim in the story (my opinion only)

“Rebecca” could pretty much be called the deconstruction novel of the “woman marries a man she knows little to nothing about and they live happily ever after” trope. However, for a feminist novel, the former woman who lived there before sure is demonized.

This isn’t anything new. Wives, girlfriends-some of them are expected to be jealous of their husband’s exes and it’s even a custom to hate the woman your husband or bf is cheating on you with, although, refreshingly, there’s been a trend of these women forgiving each other and becoming friends.

The novel sure illustrates the cruelty of how the new Mrs. De Winter is treated (the epitome of self-insert, done appropriately well for the time period), but when it comes to the already dead wife, she has no chances to really be redeemed.

Everyone else loves Rebecca. Mrs. Danvers, a closet lesbian, berates the new Mrs. De Winter, saying that she’ll never be as good as Rebecca, while still keeping her clothes and thinking fondly of her, making one wonder if perhaps they were closet lovers.

The former servants all speak of her death with great sadness, as if she were a good person.

But, Maxim, on the other hand, prevents anyone from speaking of his former wife at all. The novel’s “ending” has him claim that he shot her and killed her, and she had “cancer”-and then covered the whole thing up.

The heroine has no problems with this and still marries (and lives with) this fucking psychopath.

The real psychopath or victim isn’t Mrs. Danvers (though she is certainly…Yandere), or Rebecca. It’s Maxim, and his next victim is Mrs. De Winter.

Maxim, from the beginning, is charming, charismatic, and likable. He wins an innocent young girl over by bringing her gifts, but also berates her intelligence, calling her a “little idiot” and yelling at her and bringing her to isolated places. He likes when he can have control over her.

The first half of the novel, Mrs. Van Hopper, a woman who knows better, encourages her to not fall for some men, because they’re probably going to be controlling. The protagonist/self insert doesn’t believe her words.

This is exactly why Maxim targets her, as she is young, naive and quite gullible.

(I do not wish to demonize psychopaths with this statement. I’m just saying that this particular dude is a rather heinous one.)

The symptoms of a psychopath are:


  1. Does your partner shrug off important subjects with glibness? Does your partner exhibit superficial charm?
  2. Is your partner self-centered with an inflated sense of self?
  3. Does your partner need stimulation constantly or from more extreme experiences?
  4. Does your partner lie to your or others?
  5. Does your partner con or manipulate you or others?
  6. Does your partner show a lack of guilt and/or remorse when he/she hurts someone?
  7. Does your partner appear to have only shallow feelings or feel things superficially?
  8. Does your partner have trouble empathizing with the pain of others? Is your partner callous towards others?
  9. Is your partner in relationships where he/she uses others (i.e. parasitic relationships)?
  10. Does your partner have poor control over his or her behavior?
  11. Does your partner display promiscuous sexual behavior?
  12. Did your partner have behavioral problems early in childhood? (psychopathic behavior in children)
  13. Does your partner have a hard time making realistic, long-term goals?
  14. Is your partner impulsive?
  15. Is your partner irresponsible?
  16. Does your partner refuse to accept responsibly?
  17. Has your partner had many marital or significant relationships?
  18. Was your partner a juvenile delinquent? (do child psychopaths exist)
  19. Has your partner been on parole and had that parole revoked?
  20. Is your partner a criminal in many areas (a versatile criminal)?”

First, he shrugs off the subject of his former wife very often, often switching the subject over and ensuring the heroine knows virtually nothing about her new life. His charm is immaculate-so much so that she instantly agrees to marry someone she knows little to nothing about.

Second, he does tend to have an ego problem, especially when he is told no. He leaves Mrs. De Winter alone a lot and has no problems keeping shit from her.

Third, he does seem to not be a party man, and prefers other things. He often leaves her alone.

Four, holy fucking shit, does he lie. He lies about what happened to his former wife, he lies about pretty much fucking everything. Why in the world would you believe the words of a man who cold-heartedly gunned his wife down in cold blood?

In my opinion, Maxim was the controlling person in the relationship, not Rebecca. Rebecca might not have been as innocent as Mrs. De Winter. But she probably wasn’t the “evil bitch” Maxim paints her as (as some psychopaths do when referring to people who won’t do as they say or won’t be their puppets.)

Fifth, he does manipulate her from the second he meets her. He charms and grooms her into being his new wife, all without any expectations. He lets her go places in the mansion, but keeps things of his old wife around, so she feels uncomfortable. He doesn’t even let her in on the fact that Mrs. Danvers preferred Rebecca to her, so Mrs. Danvers can bully the protagonist to tears.

Sixth, a lack of remorse is present in this guy. When Mrs. De Winter wears one of Rebecca’s former dresses to the party and has a nice time, Maxim gets angry because it’s his former wife’s dress and yells at her for it, making her upset. He refuses to apologize for this and only does so half-heartedly.

He refuses to admit any sort of remorse for gunning Rebecca down, instead telling a sob story about how he was the victim and she was the abuser. While abusive women do exist, it’s hard for me to believe she could have been with all the evil shit Maxim pulls. Maxim is a textbook abuser and psychopath, and Rebecca probably was bad because “she fought back” against his control.

She wanted to do what she wanted in the relationship. That makes her a “bad woman.”

She also was a lesbian, so he felt betrayed and hurt and killed her out of presumed lesbophobia and lied about who she was. There is a trope about “evil women” being lesbians, after all. Most likely, he hid that fact and just claimed she drowned.

Eighth, he certainly seems to be callous towards the pain that Mrs. Danvers felt when her lover was murdered. He only cares for himself. SHE has to apologize to HIM for wearing a dress to a party which she was ALLOWED to go to since she is the WIFE and also the mistress of the house, which means she can do what she wants, too.

But that’s baddddd.

Fourteenth point, he is impulsive. He agrees to marry her like, several months after meeting her and a few dates in, without getting to really know her. She also is, too.

He’s also a domestic abuser, engaging in classic gaslighting, verbal, and emotional abuse towards poor Mrs. De Winter.

Mrs. Danvers tells us a different side of the story, and we should listen. According to her, Rebecca was a great woman who loved her dearly, but her husband was horrid and didn’t care for her at all. Mrs. Danvers is clearly proud of being a lesbian. (Cheating in marriage is wrong, yes, but with Maxim being such a huge…psychopath and all…I can’t help but sympathize with Rebecca.)

Why do I think Rebecca was the victim?

  1. It’s his word against a dead woman’s-the ultimate time to make a good person look like shit when they can’t defend themselves.

How can Rebecca defend her own name and her own claims when she is dead? She can’t. Virtually everyone else loved Rebecca, except for Maxim. Naturally, I’d be hurt, too if I found out my wife was cheating on me with someone else, and if she hadn’t told me about her orientation beforehand (but back then being gay was a huge sign of “BEING EVILLLL”, even though we know that’s total bullshit.

Maxim demonizes her memory because she was defiant toward him, because she was assertive, and because she was a lesbian and he didn’t like that. He didn’t like that he couldn’t control her, so he ultimately murdered her and covered it all up.

Also, people who abuse often twist things so that their victim is to blame. Many times, we’ve seen both men and women who abuse their victims twist things so the victims are to blame.

“If she really wanted to say no, she would’ve said so!”

“If he really didn’t want it, he should’ve said so!”

“He’s a guy and guys always want sex, so it’s not rape!”

“I’m a girl and I can’t assault a guy, it’s impossible. He’s always ready for sex.”

“This just happens sometimes. Deal with it.”

As of recently, Asia Argento (founder of the MeToo movement), Melanie Martinez, Lena Dunham, and others have been outed as being pedophiles, rapists and abusers, dismissing the notion that women cannot be the offenders.

However, in Rebecca’s case, it’s clear that Maxim has the only perspective, and that’s not fair to her side of the story, either. She could’ve easily been the victim.

This reminds me of what I believe happened with Natalie Wood and her boyfriend. I think they argued, he deliberately pushed her over the edge and then made up a story. He’s guilty as fuck of the murder.

Where is Rebecca ever remembered as being “good?” Never. The abuser often pretends their former victims were “nuts,” “psycho”, “evil” or stupid idiots. This is, of course, to prevent their new victims from discovering the truth.

2. I highly doubt Rebecca was the abuser.


Because it’s very common for men to demonize women, especially former exes by tarnishing their name. Especially in the time this novel takes place. A defiant woman could easily be turned into=this woman is evil and she’s a slut/whore, so she was an evil bitch!

(Again, I note that women DO abuse men/women, but I don’t believe that happens here except with Mrs. Danvers bullying and abusing Mrs. De Winter.)

Again, her being a lesbian is another reason her name is Verboten to be spoken. Lesbians, gay people….they didn’t exist back then. You came out, unperson. No one spoke about you.

Everyone just sort of…speaks to her like she’s a ghost who’s still there.

That’s because her sexuality was unwelcome. That’s also why he killed her. He was angry that she wasn’t attracted to him, but rather to women.

Du Maurier was reputed to be bisexual or lesbian herself, so if so, then it could be her critique on the homophobia at the time.

If Rebecca truly was the abuser, then Maxim would be less controlling and more fearful, timid, more willing to go with whatever Mrs. De Winter wanted. He’d be afraid of making her angry or scared when she raises her voice.

The fact that he is not shows that he was not the victim. (Again, people react differently.)

3. Mrs. Danvers knows the truth

Why is Mrs. Danvers so bitter and angry?

Because her girlfriend was murdered by her husband.

Because she lost the one person she could talk to about everything.

Because she lives in a world where her sexuality is hated.

Because she knows Rebecca wasn’t treated right by her husband and is angry that he spews lies about her.

Because she knows what happens to women he marries.

Rebecca was everything because Rebecca was her lover and accepted her for who she was and loved her dearly.

Mrs. Danvers tries to casually get the heroine to realize he’s not all that he seems by getting her into trouble with him. She might not care that much for the heroine, but she does seem to want her to realize this guy is not worth it and leave. She might not want to see what happened to Rebecca happen again to another woman.

She knows what kind of monster he is. That’s why she burns the house down in the movie.

It’s her way of atoning for not being able to save Rebecca.

4. Why Rebecca was hated by Maxim

Because she was a lesbian.

Because she defied his wishes.

Because she had control of things.

Because she was assertive and bold.

Because she wasn’t the calm, quiet and shy woman he wanted.

Because she saw right through his bullshit and wouldn’t put up with it.

Above all, Maxim is a giant misogynist who hates women who rebel. He even seems irritated with his sister Beatrice for being independent. It’s Stockholm Syndrome he put the protagonist through, and someday he might murder her, too.

So basically…

Rebecca met and fell in love with and married Maxim, but she carried feelings for women.

Rebecca didn’t tell him as she was afraid of how he’d react.

Maxim becomes abusive and Rebecca fights back.

Rebecca starts an affair with Mrs. Danvers.

Enraged, Maxim accuses her of being a “vile woman and of tarnishing their marriage.”

Rebecca flees and tries to rationalize with him, but like so many other men in history who kill their wives, Maxim doesn’t listen and guns her down, dead.

He leaves the traitor alive to mourn over her girlfriend and tortures her by making her girlfriend invisible from everything as a punishment.

Maxim is not the hero. He never was.

From my interpretation, Rebecca is basically the story of a Bluebeard who has killed once, and will kill again. He will probably violently murder the heroine after she refuses to do what he wants.

It’s a cautionary tale telling women (or men) not to fall for any man/woman who appears to be too superficial, great and kind to be real. It could all be a facade. After all, we have a man who got away with murdering his gf and her lover by painting himself as the victim, one Mr. O.J. Simpson, and way too many stories of husbands killing wives over perceived offenses (and women do this as well).

“Rebecca” isn’t just the heroine’s replacement, she IS the heroine. The story is about HER spirit wanting vengeance, about her seeking recognition. The story is about how she was erased from her own home, at the hands of her loving husband.

Note from author before you call me “anti-feminist” or “not hearing victims of female-on-male abuse.”

The author is a self-identified egalitarian who does not involve himself with either radical feminism nor with MRAS. He agrees with social justice principles and feminism, but does not agree with the radical interpretations of men being always the perps and women the victims. The author is also a very liberal Democrat, so before the reader jumps to the conclusion of him being a conservative, here you are.

That being said, the author has spent a great deal of time in his life living as a different gender than the one he identifies as, so he can understand what women go through. (The author is trans.)

Said author has also known men in abusive relationships with women.


Ted Bundy potential victims (evidence/circumstantial and theories)


years active believed: 74-78

I can’t just give out random-ass theories without evidence, can I? I’ve read the Stranger Beside me and The Bundy Killings, listened to his audio tapes, watched documentaries. I have a pretty good insight into the mind of this cold-blooded killer (not as good as Bob Keppel, of course. I wonder if anyone has reached out to him on these cases)

imo, it was more like this: preying on women and failing: in 1967-68, successfully kills around 1969 with Elizabeth Perry and Susan Davis in New Jersey, then kills again with Rose Tashman, then in 1970, murders Donna Lass (his presumed ex), Cindy Lee Mellin, and Robin Graham (her hair literally screams Bundy victim), or others. In 1971 he murders Joyce LePage, Lynne Ann Schulze, and Rita Curran, then in 72-73, he tests himself by committing some, (but not all of) the Santa Rosa Hitchhiker murders. Particularly of interest are the strangulation, beating, and rape cases. Particularly that of Theresa Diane Walsh, who was found in a river after being raped, strangled and beaten-a mere two weeks before Bundy began his OFFICIAL rampage on the world.

These were all test runs. Now here are the photographs, and links to stuff. This is purely speculation, but if it’s true…we have a huge deception on the part of Ted.


1967 attacks of “Good Samaritan”-pretending to use car jack, and then beats woman, threatens to kill her. Classic Ted. In one case, approaches woman and just…uh, nearly gets her and drives off FURIOUSLY when another man approaches. Bundy was very childish and would often skulk off when a target said no or refused to leave with him.

Also, more damning is in that case, the two girls drove a VW Bug and the man apparently attempted to sabotage the wires. Who better to know how to disable a VW bug than a man who loved them and owned one? Ted fucking Bundy, that’s who.

Here’s the link to the casee if you’re interested or think someone else committed it: it can’t be fucking Zodiac. I believe Bundy is NOT responsible for Cheri Jo Bates. The timelines do not match.

In 1969, Rose Tashman was found nude and strangled, again the typical Ted tactic. Early on, using car stopping tricks. When that didn’t work, more sophisticated ruses would undoubtedly be employed. But unfortunately, this we are not aware of. There will always be Ted victims we will never know.

susan perry elizabeth davis case – Bundy is pretty much suspected in this case as he was there at the time with a “cast on his leg” according to his aunt. Police also believe he is a good suspect, too.

1970-Lass has already been covered.

Ted’s two other victims, Cindy Lee Mellin (I know her hair is different from traditional but she was young, pretty and stupid, to him. So it made no difference.)

Robin Graham got in his car while a cop was watching. Surprise, her corpse is probably up on some mountain somewhere, as bones, with a fractured skull and teeth missing. Who knows, she’s probably one of the “unidentified” remains found alongside Bundy’s other victims. I recall quite a few were unidentified. Seeing as they’re lost, however, that makes IDing them impossible.

1971-link to Lynne Schulze (I suspect Bundy more than Durst, look at the hair style. Plus, Vermont was where he was born.), Joyce LePage and the-victoria-advocate-jul-20-1971

Lynne Schulze is here: http://charleyproject.org/case/lynne-kathryn-schulze

Joyce LePage: http://www.khq.com/story/38274428/justice-for-joyce-47-years-later-family-of-murdered-wsu-student-hopes-for-answers

The Bundy suspect into the “Zodiac: Hint, Zodiac didn’t fucking murder these women. Ted did or someone else.” page can be found here: https://www.sfgate.com/news/article/Ted-Bundy-a-suspect-in-Sonoma-County-cold-cases-2355670.php

Click to access Bundy_Multiagency_Team_Report.pdf

there are also photos somewhere that show that Bundy MIGHT have worked near the place where the first SR victims were taken. Also, he loved driving down isolated lanes, according to Liz, his girlfriend. He also had experience with the woods. The victims are listed here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Santa_Rosa_hitchhiker_murders

(I know it claims RULED OUT but keep in mind, the law can get things wrong, and judging by Ted’s reluctance to speak on California, we can safely say: there is a gold mine here of evidence he DID not want us to see.)

Also, other suspected victims are Laurie Partridge (he was literally stopped after she disappeared, questioned and released, dumbass police, he obviously snatched her.), a woman that just disappeared out of her home in Washington for no reason (hint B-u-n-d-y,) and many, many others. Also the mysterious Wyoming murders (where a girl was found with her skull split open)

Known victims are here: http://murderpedia.org/male.B/b1/bundy-ted.htm

Sometime soon, I’m gonna talk about how Bianchi could be linked to the Yogurt Shop murders and the ABC murders, but that’s a story for another day.


The Walking Dead: A tour de force on all levels

Let me say this. I really, really fucking hate zombies. I usually find the apocalypse concept to be laughable, zombies to be nothing but jokes, and the idea of a show centered around such a thing to be nothing more than a bad idea ready to happen.

So when I first heard of the Walking Dead, I ignored it. I didn’t think anything of it and skipped watching tv when it was on.

Then, three months ago, I decided to give it a chance.

That might have been the best decision of my life. Not since Supernatural has a live action tv show gripped me so hard, squeezed my heart in two and made me cry as much as this show.

The first great thing about this show is its camera skill-the photography is shot with such power, that the locations and setting seem aptly suited to be the centerfold of the apocalypse-the abandoned cities, deserted towns and eerily overgrown buildings with weeds choking out everything-the deserted cars-all of it give you a somber feeling, a mourning for the last of humanity, struggling to survive as their kind falls into madness.

The thing about this show that makes it so much like the best manga I’ve enjoyed-Monster, Pandora Hearts, and particularly, Code Geass-is that it takes the cliche concepts of apocalypse, and really, seriously looks at the heart behind such things.

From episode one, things start out normally enough, with our protagonist, Rick Grimes, a sheriff who gets shot while hunting a criminal. He goes into a coma and then he awakens, in the hospital, a few years later.

Only…things aren’t right. The halls are littered with trash, dirt and age. A nurse lies dead on the floor, and no one answers him. He goes outside and sees endless amounts of bodies scattered on the ground. All around him, it’s eerily silent.

No cars, no trucks, no sirens, no people talking outside. All is deathly still.

Here we have the protagonist thrust into a nightmare outside of his own perception, as he quickly learns that there are survivors, after meeting Morgan and his son, he stays in his old house and learns that “biters” or “walkers,” have overtaken the world. The army was overpowered by them, and people have been either decimated by these creatures or fallen to their hordes of zombies.

Luckily, his wife, Lori and his son, Carl are alive, having joined a small band of survivors outside the city. Rick takes his gun with him and goes throughout the city, acquiring a horse, which sadly, gets devoured by the terrifying as fuck walkers and he hides. Then he learns of a survivor’s camp, and goes to investigate.

He meets his wife, son, and a host of other characters, mainstays Carol, Daryl, Glenn, and others who leave a mark on us, even if they might not live long. From there on, it is a constant struggle for survival, as one location after another falls victim to the zombies, and they pursue a permanent residence, with much fail.

The best part of the Walking Dead is easily in its writing and characters. Shane serves as a rival to Rick, and eventually ends with tragic consequences. Rick gradually sheds the idealistic colors he has to become more cold-blooded. Daryl becomes softer as he bonds with Carol.

Even the villains, such as the Governor, are really interesting and intriguing characters, with their own shade of gray to accompany them. Everyone has suffered loss and death. Everyone makes mistakes.

Even when these characters die, people remember them. This is what Attack on Titan failed to be for me-the human element is clearly there, as the characters wonder who is going to die next.

Season three has easily been the best so far, with so much intrigue, amazingness and greatness. I keep encouraging people around me to watch this masterpiece of great writing. I don’t regret a second of this amazing show.

Just, damn, how could I have missed out on it?

-Music: 9/10

-Characters: 10/10

Plot: 10/10

Overall, 100% so far.

P/M/D 2 sucks: the second part, on the Guild’s bigotry/intolerance and on the creepy messages lurking within

We live in a scary time. A time where a dictator conspires to rule over all of us.

What’s this? This story endorses principles of cults and dictators? Well, if you examined my old as fuck (and terribly written to boot) post on cult-like aspects of the Wigglytuff Guild, you’ll recognize what I mean. A side note-the website I used before for aspects of a cult is now dead-so I’ll give you all this alternative link instead to aspects of a cult-http://surrealist.org/cults/cult.html or even better, this link by springhole dot net, talking about how moral purism is terrible: http://springhole.net/writing/things-about-cults-writers-need-to-know.htm

So we know, the Guild are the people you’re in service to (I say serve, because basically you’re their servants they stomp all over.) They’re all a bunch of assholes, with the exception of a few-isn’t that lovely and inspiring for children? It pretty much tells you if you ever want to work anywhere, you should expect that everyone you work with will be pieces of shit and never expect anything other than that, ever. While some bosses and coworkers are like this, not all of them are, as a fact.

Again, as I said, the biggest problem with this game is that it plays dirty. It plays unfair, every time you think you have an advantage, the game laughs at and shits all over you. Oh gosh, I found an absolutely delicious portion here about how cults tend to profit off of their believers and followers-absolutely accurate to how the Guild treats you.

Team Skull are huge Gary Stu villains, you can’t beat the shit out of them and they win by farting on you. That’s like…the most retarded thing I’ve ever fucking seen. I mean…seriously? Who thought that was a good idea?

You basically sit down and are bullied by them and the game tells you basically to sit down, you pathetic dogs, you just have to accept that.

Because the game practically forces you into things, you have no time to get prepared for things, to level up right or get good items, or moves. As a result, you get your ass whooped all the time. No wonder I can’t beat this game-it expects me and my partner to be absolutely perfect and incapable of flaws, if you just let us level grind, we wouldn’t be in this situation.

As someone else said on Reddit, there are way too many player-partner only missions, which pretty much make recruiting fucking pointless. Let me just say something right here: post game in RRT and BRT, you could play as any Pokemon and recruit in any dungeon except for Tiny Woods.

Here’s a list of places you can’t recruit:

-Beach Cave (keeping in line with original I guess)

-The fucking field trip (because it’s not like Chimecho isn’t psychic and can’t teleport recruits back to camp, wait, what? What the fuck.)

-Steam Cave. You can’t visit it more than once.

-Brine Cave

-Crystal Crossing (you only get to go there once, after that, fuck you.)

-The places in the future  because you’re not with the Guild makes sense, I guess.

-The Hidden Land and Temporal Tower.

Remember when Sky Tower claimed you couldn’t recruit because it was a “pure place”? Me neither.

Also, you can’t wander around town as the recruits or even switch leaders in dungeons. What the fuck was the point of recruiting then?

It just turns a great concept into total shit.

As for characters, there sure are a lot of negatives. The characters at the Guild are some of the most forgettable I’ve ever seen. The worst part, you have to put up with these idiots all the time. Bidoof is annoying but well-meaning, Sunflora is cheerful but stupid (why would she wander into a place full of fire types? Is she chronically stupid?), Chimecho is one of the only decent people in the place, Wigglytuff is likable and not very smart but nice I guess.

Dugtrio is a lazy slacker, Loudred is rude as fuck, and Croagunk is the typical creepy mofo guy who actually isn’t that bad. Forgettable.

They mostly start with annoying and end with annoying, not a good start to a supposedly masterpiece work. I spend half the time wishing they’d die. Whereas you know, I loved Caterpie, Metapod, and Gengar. I love Grovyle and Celebi.

Instead the townspeople are the only decent and likable characters. The Guild is full of assholes.

The sentry post is one of the most boring aspects of any game I’ve ever had to endure, and it could’ve easily been skipped-it isn’t fun to sit there and be yelled at for making simple mistakes. I’m sure all children will instinctively know every Pokemon’s fucking footprint-not all of them are autistic like me and observe every single detail about theri interest. Give them a break. Many kids are casual players.

It’s okay to be a casual gamer. You don’t need to be over invested in something.

Chatot is by far one of the worst characters I’ve ever seen in any game, ever. He’s a stupid asshole who is just plain unlikable and nasty and a poor start to kids’ experiences with bosses (there are some great, wonderful bosses out there, let’s not demonize, please.)

He treats you like shit, talks down to you and sends you to bed without eating for ONE simple mistake. ONE. This is child abuse if you consider that the Pokemon are probably children, you sick fuck.

He lies to you many, many times. He lies to you about having explored a cave before, he’s bigoted and prejudiced towards your recruits-basically, any time the story isn’t focused on them and the Guild, it’s decent. But when the lens inevitably goes back to them, the story stagnates again.

So many good moments could be improved if only we removed the Guild part and trashed it and instead left it as an indie Exploration team story similar to Rescue Team but different. Better yet, I’ll take the school aspect that SMD gives. At least there, it feels more realistic since the players are kids.

It really doesn’t work with the Guild. It becomes stupid.

When you’re struggling to not hate side characters or even mains, you know it’s not good.

Chatot has a moment to redeem himself and fails. Everyone sees you clearly being dragged into the portal by Dusknoir, and yet he still clings to the delusion that you fell in accidentally. When you challenge him he reveals he BELIEVED you but was testing you. Bitch what the fuck? You’re toying with my mind now?

Not only do they lie to you routinely and steal all your money, you also have to beat all of them in a fight at the end (which they AGAIN lie to you about and make it seem like they’re not the ones you have to fight, and they’re OP as fuck, again. Thank you Bidoof for having the decency to be a compassionate Pokemon and refuse to go by that again).

Even after you graduate, you’re still stuck with them stealing your money and basically keeping you poor forever. The more concerning part of it is this: that these are characters you’re supposed to like and root for. Well, I don’t like any of them. Fuck them.

Grovyle is the one character I care about who’s not a major douche.

I’d rather have stayed in the future world, that was great stuff.

But back on the topic of why Chatot is such a dick-I swing back, yet again to recruitment and bigotry that’s hidden-which no one but me has ever addressed.

Now in the first game, your player and partner were thrilled to get recruits and in general they treat them well except for the one part where if you move to tell the other members that you’re all in danger (cuz the town IS HUNTING YOU DOWN), your partner coldly says no we shouldn’t let them know. Then you just…leave them next to where you live. The fuck?

You honestly expect them to miss out on the free bait standing nearby?

What gives?

But there was never a time where I couldn’t walk around with them and they saved my ass on numerous occasions, both in 2 and 1. The recruits are the most enjoyable parts of it because they really cared for you and looked out for you. I had a Shinx named Kirito and a Phanpy named Asuna and they fucking revived my partner when he got killed via fighting the Luxray. I’m talking she threw a fucking seed his way. How badass is that?

In the first game, recruits get to complete missions, get thanked by the people included and are given money. Everyone talks to them. No one mistreats them and they all get to partake in adventures. Some dungeons only allow one member to go (like Purity Forest).

No rules say you can’t take them.

Fucking Ho-Oh battled my Articuno happily and didn’t give a shit that she wasn’t a main member of the team. You have no idea how epic it feels to be able to challenge Rayquaza and Regirock as a fucking Azurill and kick their asses.

Isn’t that the whole objective of the series-that no Pokemon is weaker than or of less worth than another? Did Cheren not learn that lesson in B and W? It’s a little thing, but I like seeing every character get included.

When one gets excluded, I get pissed because I’ve often been that person excluded. So I understand.

But the second game decides to do away with that shit. You won’t ever get to appear as a recruit making purchases or talking to people. You don’t exist as a regular Pokemon to them.

One thing I like about PMD 1 is I can appear as any other Pokemon. 2 makes it seem like recruits are nothing more than AI slaves used to gain missions and fuck them as a person.

Apparently I can’t look like Buizel and walk around PMD 2.

That completely kills the idea of them being equals, huh? Say goodbye to the Guild being fair and equal and being into helping Pokemon.

Remember how Undertale considers killing off even NPCs to be DISGRACEFUL and how it chews you out for being cruel to them?

This game could learn a thing or two about respect for NPCs. Also, it’s really creepy how much they praise you and act like you’re so above them, like “I’ll use my Growl to help you, Player X”, and swoon over you. They don’t have as much IQ as you, either, and act stupider. That’s stupid, they help me.

They don’t get credit. They don’t appear when you complete a mission, they’re not thanked for a mission or given money or credit, they don’t even appear in the cutscenes (like if you take recruits to Apple Woods, they are invisible but your player and partner appear there instead.) Your recruits are forced to stand behind you and act like they don’t matter. Even though they have reactions and expressions, they don’t get dialogue outside of stock phrases.

Their personalities aren’t developed at all and no one cares about them, I mean no one. When you fall into the Hot Spring, you and your partner get to sit there and soak in the water, but your recruits have to sit by the water and wait for you-they’re not allowed in the water, apparently. What the fuck is with that shit?

They can’t even meet you inside the Guild, they have to wait outside like they’re not part of it-even though, technically, they are since they’re YOUR team, and YOU are a member of the Guild. They’re members, let them in, assholes.

Little things like that irritate me.

At least the villains treat my recruits with respect.

Grovyle says I don’t want to hurt any of you when you face him in Crystal Crossing, referring to you, your partner and your recruits, referring to all of you as people. That touched me. He actually says that they’re all good fighters and praises them for being so tough before he knocks all of them out.

The Luxray take on all of your recruits, too. The villains aren’t too discriminatory. Even Team Skull has the decency to fuck with all of your team members. To the rest of the world, they might as well not exist.

But your team is your friend, right? They’re your friends and they matter, right?

One of the biggest things this game does is it makes some Pokemon more important than others. Others are fucking irrelevant. Aren’t you fighting for all Pokemon?

For one thing, they get ridiculously low stats. You never get to keep them up to level with you, either. Their stats are never as high as yours, even if you’re all the same level. They don’t get to keep items anymore, either.

They don’t even get to live inside the Guild and are never shown eating there or sleeping there, which raises Fridge Horror questions of what is being done to them? Are they slaves? Chimecho is in charge of them because they can’t live with you, they can’t come out to you on their own, they can’t sleep in the same room with you, they can’t eat with you…lemme tell you how disturbing that is. They’re part of the Guild because they’re part of your team…yet they’re not allowed inside the building?

They can’t eat alongside you? They’re not allowed to be treated with respect or even acknowledgement by the Guild members, they can’t talk with your own friends or even Chatot, or go on the same missions with you.

Do you find anything disturbing about this? This sounds like fucking segregation shit-Pokemon apparently practice segregation when it comes to wild ones and tame ones. That’s pretty…disturbing.

“Separate but equal…”

I’m really disturbed by this shit that whenever the game talks about helping all Pokemon, your recruits get nothing. No rewards, no money, no nothing. Pisses me the hell off.

Your partner was all happy that you got recruits in the first game. Second, it’s like who cares?

The Guild is discriminatory towards them, they act like they don’t exist or deserve credit and shove this bullshit down your throat by the way.

It makes you think, oh recruiting is totally pointless.

Chatot claims, first, on his shitty Guild mission that no one wanted to go on anyway (oh and you can’t recruit at all with them…what the fuck? You get to control that shit, too? Don’t want us making friends outside your jurisdiction, you stupid fucknugget?) that “additionally, you may not bring non-members of the Guild or other members of your team. It simply isn’t allowed.”

All of your team mates are excluded, regardless of what hard work they’ve done.

They’re part of the Guild, you fucking piece of shit.

They keep me from dying. I die twice as much when I’m not with them.

Chatot never apologizes for this shitty treatment, by the way. There are way too many things that rip you away from them, so they’re always leagues behind you with levels. It just sucks. I like feeling like I’m on the same level with the rest of them.

By making recruits irrelevant, it removes their purpose and leaves them feeling pointless.

But it gets worse. Chatot again kicks your recruits out in Brine Cave. Right before you can actually talk to them again. Dickweed.

That’s really depressing.

Spinda at least isn’t discriminatory and lets them sit in his cafe and gives them drinks.

In the Hidden Land and Temporal Tower, it’s really irritating because in Sky Tower, you can bring recruits. But no, now we’re bringing in some pseudo-purity Pokemon bullshit that sounds like Pokemon supremacist thinking.

Lapras seriously says that “only the pure may go to the hidden land.” Lapras is deliberately refusing to go with you and your recruits on a trip to the Hidden Land. And you can never take them there at all even post-game. You cannot recruit there at all, either. I guess all the racist Pokemon there are allergic to diversity, and Lapras should be waving a racist flag too.

How do you know that my recruits aren’t pure? Are you saying that because they come from somewhere else, that they aren’t trustworthy? That’s just really mean and despicable.

Also, this is a children’s game. You’re teaching children that discrimination is okay if it happens to people who aren’t like me, effectively teaching intolerance.

Also, you get the shit kicked out of you, the game deals with suicide, bullying, has you get kidnapped and dragged away…what the fuck is the point?

You’re never going to have control? Your recruits aren’t your friends? It’s okay to practice bigotry towards your friends? You should cut off all friends who aren’t part of the cult because they suck.

It’s okay to do things for abusers. They love you.

I have two questions: who the fuck thought this would make a great kids’ game? If I wanted a good game, I’d go play Undertale. The monsters are nice and you don’t have to fight.

There’s a famous quote from Dumbledore himself from Harry Potter, “You can tell a man’s true character from how he treats his inferiors.” He was referring to how Sirius Black, an otherwise good person, abuses Kreacher, a house elf who has been neglected all his life. This gets Sirius killed because Kreacher rats out to the people who were nice to him.

To Sirius, Kreacher has no feelings.

The game continues to discriminate against your recruits throughout the story. I don’t just give a shit about the hero only and the partner-I give a shit about all the characters. If you treat them like that, then fuck you. I don’t like that.

I like PH, where all the characters are explored, not just one.

My recruits have given more for me and been there for me more than any of these so-called heroic partners have been.

I’d give my life for my recruits, man. This game tells me, fuck them.

Virtually no one reacts with surprise to you being a human-whereas in first game they were terrified! But instead, here they’re just like whatever. There’s no real big deal made about it.

This generation doesn’t even know what a human is. 1 implies that they existed not too long ago. Your partner knows what a human is and there are abandoned laboratories, hinting that humans were once here but died out and Pokemon took over.

I hate that it takes you forever to even evolve, I hate the monster houses, I hate the sadism. This game does everything it can to make you feel depressed, like you don’t matter. There’s nothing more inviting to me than watching my mcs being mistreated.

Either let every Pokemon join the Guild or else I’ll quit and go elsewhere.

Honestly, I don’t know if I’m the only one that’s bothered by this, but it’s little things like this that make me hate this game. You don’t have much of a choice in what happens in the game and that kills what it means to be a gamer.

Games are about FUN.

Being forced into things is not fun.

I just want a cheerful little adventure that’s not too complex. Or else, leave me in the fucking future and have them be the ultimate bad guys, so I can Kamehamehameha their asses into next week.

Really, they’re responsible for more than half of your issues. The psychic powers don’t even have any real relevance either.

A lot of the story and subplot just feel like we don’t care.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t want my kid playing a game that’s depressing. My mind already treats me like shit from my depression-why should a game treat me the same way?

How dare you have a part where the partner tries to convince you that it’s okay to commit suicide?!!!! That’s just a disgrace and you should be ashamed of yourself.

I don’t even know what to say, this game just makes me so angry.

How the fuck is it okay to have your characters be abused and nothing gets done rationally to stop it? I don’t know what to say.

Every time I try to play it, I get killed off by something. I never get to win. Something or someone always cheats to kill it for me. I’ve never even been able to get past the first part of the game.

You know it sucks when that’s a thing happening.

Honestly, that’s disappointing…it just ruins things. To enjoy a video game, part of it is for amusement and entertainment. Nothing is fun about erasing files over and over again. Remember how Undertale vilifies you for that and says you’re playing with characters?

I can’t stand the idea of this game or these cruel game mechanics. It’s not the best game ever.

It’s the most cruel and sadistic game.

It’s gross that this game uses depression like this.

I feel like shit when I play this game.

It’s ridiculously hard to beat. It’s a kids’ game and Pokemon. It shouldn’t be this hard to beat.


characters-4/10. They did make some minimal efforts with them in Sky but they don’t save it.

Difficulty level: minus 10,000.

Enjoyment Level: -30,000. On the same level of enjoyment as Puck freezing Subaru to death. This game is what it’s like to be Subaru.

Graphics: 6/10

Plot: 7/10.

Music: 10/10

Side characters: 9/10

Future World: 10/10. Easily the best part of the game.

Villains: 6/10.

Final Rating: 75/100 (C) to be kind, in actuality I want to give it a -infinity. But this is the kindest rating to give it.

In short, fuck this game. I hate it more than I’ve hated any other game and it’s going to the game shop to be bought by another hapless sucker who can hopefully enjoy it where I couldn’t.

Explorers sucks for me. It always has and it always will.

So now you have some insight on why some might hate this game. Do you still think they’re terrible people?






I hate PM/D2, part 1/2. (no comments allowed, for sanity’s sake)

There will be no comments allowed on this post because I just know someone will come along looking for a fight. Explorers fans are inclined to overrate this thing like it’s the next coming of Jesus, well it ain’t, it’s just a video game and imo, while it does many good things, it also does a lot of bad.

Let’s explore both the good and the bad about this series.

Very few reviews actually get down to the meat of this series and what makes it both shine and comes out looking dull. I do love these games to death-which is why coming out with the blunt, honest truth hurts me like no other game can. But it’s best to be honest about this game-and here and now, I say, there is nothing wrong with not liking this game. There is no such thing as a bad opinion.

Not even the goddamned creepypasta comes down hard enough to show why this particular version sets me off so much.

First, we’ll examine the good parts of it before going down to the weaknesses which lie in the lack of worldbuilding, and the lack of themes around the hero, the weaknesses in character development, the overly pessimistic themes…I’ve given this one a lot of thought so I hope you all find it as informative as I did.

I’ve struggled to finish this game and like it for the past 11 years.

I have failed every time.

Why? This game does not know how to stop being too sadistic and tone it down, a mistake I will discuss later on.

Now its soundtrack is beautiful and great, 10/10 right there and its initial concept is very good. I love listening to the soundtracks. I easily think if it was nothing but the soundtracks, this series would have won me over 100%. None of the annoying, bland characters-none of the stupid Guild…one can only dream of not finding a story with those annoying fuckers in there.

Edit: I wiped the data on EOT again and the fucker is going, going, gone, good riddance! Away with you, thou vilely difficult game that also fucks with my feelings! Some other unlucky person can pick it up and finish it where my dumb ass couldn’t.

For now I’ll just stick with Darkness and Sky at wherever I was at.

Anyway, as I was saying, the best soundtracks are probably Sacrifice and also, the theme for Treeshroud Forest. A lot of good themes from the first one remixed in here.

Second, the side characters, particularly Grovyle, Dusknoir, Celebi, and Lapras particularly shine and are genuinely likable, while others like Sunflora, Chimecho, and Bidoof are grating but likeable enough regardless of the stupid Guild interfering. The special episodes really help improve the lackluster character development (which isn’t a good thing for a video game, if it can’t stand without a side story supporting it, that’s a red flag right there.)

The townspeople are all genuinely likable and nice people, too.

Third, some of the fighting scenes are nice and some items come back with some neat, kick-ass effects. Four, the story has some nice touches to it, particularly the future part and the world of darkness and the idea of Grovyle and the hero being involved at some point. Five, I like that the game continues after the main story ends.

Six, I’m glad the fans are all really pleased with this game, even though I can’t be and will probably rip everything they love about this to shreds by the end.

Seven, I like…uh…Amp Plains and fighting Luxray. Being a Shinx, Phanpy, Vulpix is cool and bringing back Eevee was nice, but Skitty is not my cup of tea. As usual, Totodile and Treecko shine here, alongside Chimchar and even Shinx. I don’t approve of Pikachu being so weak in this game, though-he got me through most of PMD 1.

Eight, I like Dialga and him resurrecting the hero to the partner is genuinely sweet and moving.

Nine, Spinda’s cafe was awesome.

Ten, my fucking recruits are the shit and always looking out for me. I always miss those little devils when I’m in places I hate.

Eleven, Wigglytuff is occasionally likable and funny, especially him k.oing Team Skull.

Twelve, getting to choose to send Pokemon back instead of not being able to take on more is nice and friend area removal is good, too. Also, I like being able to take four mons with me.

Thirteen, the battle with Grovyle was awesome and Dusknoir being a villain. That was great, too.


That’s about all I got.

I can picture all you out there now, scoffing at me, asking what real evidence do I have that this game sucks, at least for me?

Well, unlike the people who haven’t given actually valid or good reasons why this game sucks, I will now proceed with reasons why the game actually isn’t that great and could have been tweaked to be a lot better, as well as things which hold it back from being a truly great game, bad game mechanics, bad character development, sadism and bad torture porn for fun.

This game is so obnoxiously overhyped that it’s incredible how bad it actually is. It’s amazing everyone just ignores or brushes aside the concerns of people who don’t like it with you don’t know good writing. Good lord, I think that ship I hate for being vile and disgusting and Steven Universe are less over glorified than this bland game is.

Video Game Jesus: PMD2 and OOT. OOT deserves that level. Both are also games I can’t beat, but at least OOT is enjoyable and fun. This is neither.

Anime Jesus: Evangelion, Bebop, etc.

“Great plot, great concepts, great designs!”

I remember being bombarded with ads for this game. I got so excited I went out and bought it…and…uh, it did not go as I expected. 11 years later, I can safely say I not only have a love-hate relationship with it, I can also say that I fucking hate this game for how difficult and unforgiving it is.

Why do video games need to be so bloody hard, anyway? I enjoy Pokemon because even an autistic moron like myself can understand and play and not die. Some of us like easy, simple, fun games and that shouldn’t be a bad thing.

Also, this should definitely be a T for teen game. Making it for kids is really pushing it.

Onto the actual bad parts (warning, this will get very opinionated, very immature, and very full of curse words. You’ve been warned, these are feelings bubbling up after 11+ years of forcing myself to like this garbage because everyone else did.

I expected a great game like PMD 1 or most Pokemon games. Instead, I got a below average, cataclysmic disappointment. I had the highest hopes for this game, I honestly did. It seemed like so much fun.

Boy, was I wrong.

You know, whoever said sequels always suck should be given a cookie, because they’re certainly right on this note. Just as for me, Code Geass R2 was so bad it was glorious, FMA B spawned some toxic-ass fans that caused me to leave, Digimon Zero Two was so bad that I died of boredom, and DBGT and Super killed my brain cells-(Shippuden is an exception, haha.)

Now, this game is nowhere near the “worst game of all time”, however it is certainly not one of my favorites. Whereas GTI and SMD actually look entertaining and interesting, I think I might have more fun with them than I would with this game. I wasted 11 years on this stinker.

I’ve been a Pokemon fan since I was 4, that’s 20 fucking years of knowledge on Pokemon, so I think that more than qualifies for me to make a review on this game, don’t you think? Every other Pokemon game I’ve played has left me with mostly good feelings. Never have I wanted to murder a Pokemon game so badly.

Never have I actually damaged my DS by throwing it across the room out of rage when I was thirteen by the stupidity of what was happening onscreen. I did just that. The thing still works, so whatever.

That being said, the Mystery Dungeon concept is a spinoff series of something called Shiren the Wanderer, I guess you wander in dungeons there, too. In these games, normally you are a human turned Pokemon who has no memories of your former life, you join a cute little critter, and the two of you form a Rescue Team or join a Guild.

You have to answer questions in the beginning that determine who you become. In EOT/D, you have exactly 16 Pokemon to choose from, in Sky you have 19 and Meowth and Munchlax are reduced to mere sidekicks, not that Munchlax was that good of a hero choice to begin with.

The biggest disadvantage is no evolving, even in the post-game. You have to do other shit until you can even get to fucking evolve. Nice. You can’t switch leaders in dungeons, either. That’s fucking great.

Worst part is no letting your other Pokemon wander around town, they can’t for some retarded reason. Wow, way to make it feel like just two Pokemon matter and the others can go fuck themselves. Fuck off with the exclusivity. Pokemon is about inclusivity. If I wanted to join a fucking cult, I’d join the anti movement.

I’ve never, ever disliked a Pokemon game before in my life-not even Puzzle Challenge or Puzzle League. I’ve always really, really enjoyed them.

I’m about to take you through the really vile, really gross messages hidden in this “innocuous” kids’ game and why it really doesn’t work as much as it should,(That and the stupid Guild music is haunting my head like a dirge. Get out of here. Someone needs to write a creepypasta on these mofos.)

I’ve tried for over eleven years to get myself to like this overrated game and I failed. It has failed me in almost every conceivable way, except for the storyline, some of the characters (but not all) and the villains

Several things are the points of this essay including:

  • the lack of worldbuilding in the game, leading you to care little about the world it’s set in
  • the so-so graphics
  • the lack of real meaning to the protagonist’s identity and the protagonist being incredibly generic/the lackluster partner being more annoying than anything
  • being unable to level grind and the issues that causes for the plot.
  • being unable to make sufficient money, enough to make your players severely underleveled and unable to get good items, good TMs, and good skill sets.
  • Overpowered enemies and Gary Stu enemies you can’t beat
  • Unfair game mechanics (retire the goddamned monster houses already)
  • Annoying and useless characters
  • How the Guild holds you back as characters and drags down the entire story
  • The pointlessness of recruiting Pokemon and how the game discriminates against them and the Guild is actually bigoted in a way
  • No variety/the plot doesn’t change regardless of who you play as.

These are the reasons, for me, that this game does NOT deserve an A- rating and will get closer to a C+ for me (because one, the fans are too rabid to not rip me apart for critiquing this “masterpiece” game, and two, it still does do some things right, like the soundtrack, and some of the fight scenes, etc.)

(After a second browsing through Twitter, holy fuck, no one has EVER brought up reasons that this game legitimately has problems. Wow, I can’t believe I’m the first one devoted to ripping open the plot holes.)

First of all, let’s talk about the worldbuilding issues I brought up before.

As I said before, almost every Pokemon game has you explore a bright new world and learn to identify with all the people in it. One would assume being a Pokemon would mean you’d do the same thing.

…No? The fuck?

Only one town is shown in both 2 and 1, wow, way to get me to care about all the world and what’s going on in it when I don’t even see half of it.

This is a first major weakness. Bring in Pokemon from other towns, let us go to other towns and see the world-then we can truly bond with this universe and care for it. But no, we never venture outside Treasure Town. Because we can’t.

The laziness is beyond amazing. Give me this whole beautiful goddamned world of Pokemon. How can I care about a whole world when you show us only a little bit of it? FFs, imagine Zelda with only a teeny bit of land shown to it. No, the land exploring is part of the joy and how you connect with it-plus your devastation when it’s destroyed as adult Link sees.

Second, we’ve gotta talk about the graphics. For 2007, we should have had 3-D graphics by now. Diamond and Pearl had clearer graphics than this game does. I’m not a big fan of the 8-bit style. It does work, but I feel like action scenes and story scenes would work a whole hell of a lot better were it in 3-D. It works well enough to accomplish its goal, I suppose. (Still, one would assume the dungeons, the main setting of the games, would be more richly detailed and colored, instead of sticking to generic 8bit style. Give me real-looking trees!!!!)

The sunset and sunrise details are good, but you know who was the best at sunrise/sunset descriptions? Fucking Tolkien, and PMD 2 has nothing on Tolkien when it comes to worldbuilding. Tolkien built up his world to the point where you could imagine it existing-and if you’re a video game producer, you’ve got your work cut out for you.  So on this level, PMD 2 already has failed at worldbuilding, with a too insular space, and too little imagination put forth.

Just put effort into the graphics, ffs. We’re not asking for too much. Why not make more events like the waterfall thing-and the volbeat running around-make more dungeons look that sparse and colorful? Certainly would draw me in more.

Another nitpick is the constant narration.

This series overdoes it to the point of ridiculousness.

There are so many times where characters go off on long-winded rants and don’t stop at all. I know it’s trying to make me think of it as a story-but I don’t want to think of it as that.

I don’t like thinking of this as a story-if you’re telling a story, show me instead of telling it to me. A video game PLAYS out and you LIVE through the story, not just passively sit by while it is told to you. Don’t tell me your story. Show it to me.

(Remember the Fire Red/Leaf Green fiasco where every time you pushed the l/r buttons it would bring up those annoying HELP manuals-and block out your screen? It would sometimes turn on even by mistake and completely hide your view of the fight.)

Too much narration/exposition is one of this series’ weak points. If it cut back on it a little bit, it might help me like it more.

I’m not experiencing the game if I’m having stuff shoved down my throat.

Second, if you’re insistent on making this a “SUPER dark” story, raise the rating to T and get rid of the storybook feel, because you’re just kidding yourselves if you think this deserves to be called a kid’s game. (Yeah, suicide, definitely a thing to show children.)

Next, we move on to the irrelevancy of the main character.

In a storyline, the main character is the one we relate to and get to see things through the eyes of. I had a lot of fun playing Chell in Portal 2-the graphics were mind blowing and the controls-my god, they were great. The controller SHOOK when the earthquake happened on screen, and gave me such a feeling of realism…why can’t PMD do THAT?

Give me some super realistic mountain shit.

I understand Pokemon relies on a protagonist that doesn’t talk much, but in the human world, you already have a personality. For a game like this, it seems pretty naive to have such a generic protagonist.

(Side note: Why can I only ever play starters in Time/Darkness? Why can’t I be a bug type? Give me Buizel/Spinarak/anything besides another overused starter.)

Eevee, Riolu and Skitty are all highly overrated and work, I guess.

Let me play as something other than a normal/fire/water/electric/grass type. It’s just so limiting.

No matter what Pokemon you choose to be, no matter what personality result you’re given-the same story plays out every time. Also, your personality doesn’t play much of a role, if at all in this. Sassy? Nope, your character says nothing sassy.

Personality quiz=a big meaningless waste of time in this one.

Why can’t the story play out 21 different ways? Why doesn’t Grovyle make remarks on what Pokemon you are? Why doesn’t the hero react in any other way beyond the generic hero archetype? Their personality doesn’t influence anything in the other characters’ eyes…really? We’re actually doing this!!!?

Now personality means nothing.

One of the biggest issues is, however-that your protagonist doesn’t fucking talk. It works for Link because he’s already got enough of a personality that anyone can like him. It just doesn’t work for a protagonist who has no memories-they would still have a personality, ffs.

It’s hard to get into a game when your protagonist is boring as can be. (I’ve read great self-inserts. This is not one of them.)

Also, your partner speaks for you often, which is annoying, too.

For all the hype about human turned Pokemon, the story certainly doesn’t give this as much respect or consideration as it did in the first game. In the first game, you dream about and think about why you lost your memories.

Even though who you are in this game is pretty fucking important-the game just pushes it aside in favor of some other irrelevant bullshit that makes it seem unnecessary. Why not trust the Guild with helping you look for your memories as a human? Why not ask Wigglytuff and Chatot to keep it secret? They do this in the tv show and it made more sense.

(Also why aren’t Pokemon terrified of humans like they were in the first game? Seriously?)

I mean, if you’re going to give me a personality quiz, have it mean something. Have my character be reactionary. A lot of my issue with this game stems from the passivity of the plot. Characters stand by and do nothing. Too often the protagonist just stands by.

Because the character doesn’t do anything and talk, I can’t get into their heads, therefore there’s zero connection to them. I get it, mute people exist, but for a story that exists like this and almost is like a visual novel, characters who speak is essential.

How compelling would Keiichi be if he didn’t talk?

Talking is our way of getting to know characters and getting to feel for them-one of the biggest things as a writer is…your characters talk.

That’s how you get to see inside them, it’s not like they’re a telepath.

Another issue is not only is the identity not played seriously, once they learn who they are, it’s only a temporary shock and then they’re over it again. And why would they remember being a human at all? Why shouldn’t they just think they’re a Pokemon who just hit their head and was acting weird? If they lost their memories of everything-being human should go with it, too.

Have them think the whole game through that they’re human and bam, pull a Tsubasa or PH-like twist on us.

I don’t know, it’s just-I always liked the hero in the other games, but this one is just, bleah. I suppose I would just like a story that changes depending on who you play as. Like you play as a Shinx, watch the Luxray try to adopt you and think you’re one of them.

Hilarity ensues.

This creative game with so much potential doesn’t bother to unlock any of it.

Now we’re on to the partner. Good god, a lot of these problems come from the partners.

The partner in other games didn’t assume control right away and let me do as I wanted, but this partner is a huge, whiny, clingy, cowardly pain in the ass. They never shut up. Oh, giving this character long blocks of text will make me like them-it doesn’t, it makes me not like them.

And after you disappear, they bawl over you for a whole year instead of just getting over it. You get over things a year later, for god’s sake. Isn’t there such a thing as character development in this game? People move on.

Their relationship with your character isn’t even that healthy, it’s unhealthy and controlling.

Another issue I have with this game is the blatant unfairness of the game.

Now, Pokemon is a kids’ game, so that means it follows the black and white thinking of evil people get punished, right? Well, not here, not in this universe, apparently following that logic is stupid.

A lot of the problems stem from the fact that the game is unfairly rigged against you.

The people behind PMD 2 decided that you didn’t need to level grind. Fine, I understand why you don’t like LG-you think it’s boring, a waste of time. This is how you get better-is through level grinding.

It has gotten me through the most difficult portions of Pokemon. You make sure you stay on top of things-you make sure you have enough moves, tms, stats, etc. One thing I liked is the first game let you do all of those things. It let you save up money. No one was there stealing my money from me.

I could evolve my Pokemon right after I completed the game-simple isn’t always a bad thing, you know. That’s why things like Mario and FNAF are popular-they have a good storyline and aren’t too complex. Anyone can play it.

Especially because a lot of these games are aimed at children.

Level grinding is especially important in games like Earthbound/Mother, if you don’t do it, you lose, a lot. It allows you to be prepared and to face off against enemies without any major issues. I.E. Let me tell you about my classmate who I battled. He had one starter at level 50-and two other pokemon, still at level 3. 

How the hell do you keep Pokemon there without level grinding? Unbelievable.

This is the biggest issue with the series: the perfectionism. It expects you to be perfect. Since this is a game made for children, I think it’s just a bit unfair that if you happen to lose just once, you lose all of your items and get punished for it. What the fuck. I might have to pay trainers money when I lose, but I don’t lose all my exp, all my Pokemon, all my items, or all the ones I’ve caught.

What the fuck.

Also, if my partner goes down, I should be still able to fight as long as I’m good.

Main games know you’re not perfect.

This game however punishes you for behaving like a normal, amateur gamer. If you make a simple mistake-you lose everything, including throw items, healing items, berries, seeds, and all your money.

Let me say what needs to change: you need to do away with the whole “losing all my money-items” shit. People make mistakes. It’s torture and makes you not want to play the game at all because you think it’s set up so you’ll lose.

Kids don’t like losing. I know it’s a part of life, but when you put it in so much, it starts to tank.

As I said, no level grinding. Unlike in the Rescue Team universe where you can level up anytime and be ready for anything, you can’t in this game-you have to be part of the retarded idea of a Guild.

It’s the Guild who’s responsible for most of the difficulty with the game-given the difficulty these fuckers give you, I’d say they deserve this hate.

What do these people do? They’re pretty much a cult (see earlier entries), they treat you like slaves, and steal all of your money so you only have a very limited amount. Let me tell you why that pisses me off.

First of all, that’s my money I make-you have no right to steal it, second of all taxes do not work that way-you don’t get the right to steal what should have been 2,000 dollars for me and turn it into only 200.00. That’s illegal, theft and inhumane. That is not how you pay workers. That is not a livable wage.

It’s not a good message to send to kids-your boss will treat you like a slave . But also, remember, without money, you can’t do shit in video games. When you run out of money in any vg, you’re screwed. You can’t get healing items, berries, anything.

That’s why you seek out Trainers and battle.

In this universe, apparently, you can’t level grind per shit. The Guild keeps you at low levels by not allowing you to get any advantages-no good TMs-no good moves-no good leveling up-you’re forced to make so little that you barely have any money for anything. You can see what I mean by the game being an unfair piece of shit, right?

I mean in the regular games, it’s normal to find TMs and money. No one holds them back and tells you you can’t have them, yet this game does just that. They don’t even let you evolve until you’ve completed the post game. Now isn’t that just a waste of goddamned time? Let me evolve them already, you twats.

It’s just annoying and stupid. Makes me want to hit this game.

-The bosses are ridiculously hard.

Add to the growing weakness, when you’re level 17ish you have to battle someone at level 30 who has fucking 300 hp. Give me a fucking break, that’s just insane. Oh and Groudon Gary Stu makes his attack and defense high so you can’t even beat him or touch him.

Another problem is sometimes, when you save, you can’t go back to where you were before without beating the bad guys. This has caused me to erase many times.

My player and partner have been wiped out so many times because the game just will not let you have a fair chance for once. It’s worse to us than Stephen King is to his characters.

It turns battling from something that’s supposed to be fun-into something that’s tedious and a chore. Pokemon should never be tedious and it should never be anything but fun.
















Why is shipping so goddamn important, anyway?

I fail to see the point of shipping or at least why it’s overtaken literally every other good point of fandom. Instead you get people screeching at each other like screech owls over characters, bashing main protagonists, and bashing female characters and calling them names over who they ship.

Lovely, we’re back to grade school again.

Female characters can’t do anything right. If they don’t get with some guy, they’re trash, if they do, they’re trash.

Literally, why the fuck are we at the point where shipping is now so goddamned serious we can threaten to kill other people and ruin their online lives over it? I myself had a creepy fucker try to ruin my online life on tumblr because of this fucking shipping bullshit. Who gives a shit? It’s a fantasy between two fictional characters, nothing more, nothing less.

Get over yourselves and stop being whiny brats over this stuff. What about the story? The characters? The mythos? Or is fucking all that matters?

Some people ship. Others don’t. It’s not that fucking serious.

And leave female characters the hell alone.

(I’m just sick and tired of every fandom turning into fucking anti shippers or shippers policing and bashing each other. Shut the fuck up.)

Just a rant from an ace-aro person tired of that bullshit. I will write up pmd final part sometime soon. Just got my ass buried in schoolwork and two grades to pull back up is all.


EU, thank you for fucking fandoms up the ass and for fucking up independent news everywhere. From a fanfic author in the US who has just lost 28 fucking countries worth of people who love, adore, and read my fanfics-and those who make fanfics for us to read-a big resounding fuck you.

Now here’s my advice-boycott every EU product. Stop using your accounts and go out and protest this bullshit. Don’t stop until they reverse this shit. Let them know you won’t stand for fair use to be taken away. Don’t give them a piece of your money. Keep the essentials and deactivate accounts for entertainment. Boycott until you get results.

They’ll be desperate for your money, so this will hit them hard. In the meantime, keep making sure to call and protest. From a person in the US who’s had to fight for Net Neutrality, healthcare, etc…I understand your pain. (I don’t want a world where people can’t read fanfics.)


No, Mania doesn’t always mean “bad”

Right now, as we speak, the person typing this is currently in the middle of a manic episode. Has been for the past day or so, and things have been, honestly…normal.

Sure, there’s been a few moments of irritability, but they fade.

I don’t know where people get these tales of people being “crazy” on manic stages and suicidal-for me I’m suicidal when I’m depressive.

When I’m manic, I act like any other person does.

I don’t go around screaming that I’m Jesus, for people to touch me, asking for sex or anything crazy like that.

I do, however, spend a bit too much, act impulsively, talk very fast and have disjointed speech, eat a lot of sugar during that time, move around a great deal.

But also, I am remarkably funny, witty, and creative during mania. I finish school assignments with ease, finish reviews and fanfics like no problem-and best of all, my mood is cheerful, normal and uninterrupted. I might be flighty from time to time, but most of all, I talk normally, joke, speak to others without delusions-my head is surprisingly very logical and clear when I am manic.

I do talk a lot, but I do engage very well and remain mostly in control of myself. I am mostly manic, most of the time, and 95% of the time I am a normal person. The other 5%, I am paranoid, depressed, sulky, and experience brief showers of depression. Still, I’ve been managing my episodes. They usually last for over 15 minutes but then I’m back to normal.

The only other problem with mania is me forgetting things, like notebooks, pencils…I always forget those. I don’t very often forget homework, but damned if I wind up having to borrow a pencil from those around me.

Let’s quit demonizing mania. Mania can be great. Have you ever had visions of creativity? All I gotta do is plug in my music and close my eyes and I instantly see visions of what I wanna write in front of me and creative fantasies flow. (They pop if anyone talks to me, though). It’s the best feeling in the world, feeling like you control some other world or else have glimpses of “a world in your mind”.

If I do experience paranoia, it’s more like “someone is walking behind you” or “someone doesn’t like you”, rather than it is on the level of aliens in my head or something silly like that.

Let’s think about the good parts of mania. Think about how much you get accomplished, how cheerful and stable you are, how nice and positive.

I’ve stopped demonizing my mania. It makes me a very pleasant person to be around when traveling on vacation, aside from occasional irritability. But isn’t everyone that way on vacation?

Not everyone experiences suicidal things or takes joyrides in cars.

Sometimes we just deal with things our own way.

As we speak, I am simultaneously writing this and handling a school assignment.


Possible Ted victims

Another TED talk.

But I’ve found circumstantial evidence that lines up with my theories.

I was wrong about him being Arlis Perry’s killer.

But I now believe that I was right about him being responsible for the murder of Donna Lass…but listen to this story about a girl named Robin Graham.

She goes missing off a highway when her car broke down. She goes into a man’s car and the man seems nice and they drive off, never to be seen again.

The man in question drives a different car, but he has a turtleneck shirt on, stands at 5’6-5’9, and is in his early 20s.

He apparently was so “friendly and pleasant” that the cop didn’t suspect a thing and let her get into his car. No surprise, she’s never been found again.

This is an early Bundy victim. Her hair is long and parted in the middle.

Bundy could’ve easily borrowed a car from someone else, or stolen it.

Plus, who else was so bold about showing up around police? Him.

For fuck’s sake, this man almost for sure killed Laurie Lynn Partridge (he was in the area, pulled over by cops and they LET HIM GO. No way.)

That’s what kind of being Ted was. He was terrifyingly brilliant and efficient.

I have figured out that Ted murdered at least three during 1971: Joyce LePage, (stabbed to death in Washington dormitory), Rita Curran (beaten, strangled and raped), and Lynne Schulze, (she strikes me more as a Bundy victim than Durst).

In 1970, Robin Graham and Donna Lass go missing. Despite this, people idiotically believe Zodiac to be behind this. Even though they were both lone, attractive women who attracted only one man.

Schulze’s killer apparently has little evidence tying him.

Again…I hope they seriously consider Bundy, since he was there at the time and Vermont was his home state by birth. Who else made women disappear like Ted?

And holy fuck there was a case of attempted kidnappings in 1967 and I can’t breathe. Ted you absolute monster.